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""That Is YOUR Problem"


"That is YOUR Problem" 

    One of our experiences that we have faced when working with men, they tend to think us women are stupid. We had one superintendent that was out on vacation for a week. We continued our work on the job site until we hit an issue and had to pause for a while. We informed the project manager and had come to an agreement to wait on the issue. Well, when that superintendent came back from his vacation, he never briefed himself on the scope of work. HE OF COURSE, calls us questioning why our work wasn't completed and starts going off about how the job site looks terrible, and we had gotten nothing done, blah blah blah. Our response was that we had gotten our paused work cleared with the project manager, that we don't appreciate being talked to like that and he should have briefed himself on the project when he came back to work. His response to that was: 

"Well if what I said offends you. THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM." 

This was very rude and unprofessional. Lets just say, we no longer work with him and he got replaced by his company. All in all he was trying to downgrade us and make us look incomptent when in reality it was him. 
